Crosschain & Bridges

Peter Robinson, Zhenyang Shi, and Angela Potter, Crosschain Applications using Crosschain Protocol Stack & GPACT, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Cryptoeconmic Incentivization and the Crosschain Protocol Stack, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Blockchain / Crosschain / DeFi Bridge Design, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, Analysis of US$600M Poly Network Hack, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, General Purpose Atomic Crosschain Transaction (GPACT): September 2021 Update, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, General Purpose Atomic Crosschain Transactions (GPACT), Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, GPACT Protocol for bridging Trade and Finance blockchains, Supply Chain on Blockchain Conference 2021,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, General Purpose Atomic Crosschain Transactions (GPACT): Business Logic Across Chains, Crosschain Workshop 2021,, 2021.

Peter Robinson and Sandra Johnson, Enabling Supply Chains using Crosschain Transactions and Private Sidechains, Supply Chain on Blockchain Conference 2019,, 2019.

Peter Robinson, Raghavendra Ramesh, Sandra Johnson, and Zhenyang Shi, Hotel - Train Demo using Atomic Crosschain Transactions, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2019.

Ethereum Scaling

Peter Robinson, Scaling Ethereum using Roll-ups and Sidechains, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Raghavendra Ramesh and Peter Robinson, Ethereum 2 Cross Shard Techniques, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2020.


Peter Robinson, Advanced Solidity Test: Flashloan contract via a Transparent Upgrade Proxy, Ethereum Engineering Group,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Front Running Protection for Ethereum Smart Contracts,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Smart Contract Security / Solidity Security & how to change the bytecode of a deployed contract, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, OpenZeppelin Contract, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, More Advanced Solidity and Design Patterns, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, Peter’s Solidity Recruitment Test, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, What’s new in Solidity 0.6.x, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2020.

Peter Robinson, Advanced Solidity and Design Patterns, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2018.

Stateless Ethereum Research

Peter Robinson and Raghavendra Ramesh, Witness Compression & Code Merklization, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2020.

Horacio Mijail and Peter Robinson, Ethereum 1.x Stateless & the Witness Specification, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2020.


Peter Robinson, ABI Encoding / helping you with DeFi Hack Root Cause Analysis, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, How do Ethereum Mixing Services work?, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Cross-chain value transfer and obfuscation for criminal activities, Workshop on Blockchain Applications and FinTel, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Ethereum Gas Optimisation: Effects of recent EIPs, architecture, and design and impl choices, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up, 2022.

Dyma Budorin, Jaya Brekke, Peter Robinson, Blockchain Security Leaders Panel, Kyiv Tech Summit, 2022.

Peter Robinson and David Hyland-Wood, EVM: From Solidity to byte code, memory and storage, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2020.

Peter Robinson, Forks, Reorgs, Finality, and Selfish Mining, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2019.

Peter Robinson, Future of Blockchain, Etheruem Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2018.

Rob Dawson, Adrian Sutton, and Peter Robinson, Ethereum Engineering Group: PoW, PoS, and PoA, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2018.

Peter Robinson, Blockchain and Smart Contract Long Term Security, Blockchain, Smart Contracts and Distributed Ledger Forum, Sydney, Australia, 2016.

Introductory Talks on Blockchain

Peter Robinson, Introduction to Ethereum, Variations of this talk were given as guest lectures to under graduate and post graduate students at University of Queensland, Queensland University of Technology, Griffith University, and TAFE between 2017 and 2023.

Peter Robinson, Blockchain, Uses & Implications for Business and Government, Variations of this talk were delivered to delegations from the Vietnamese government and post graduate business students from Hong Kong at the Institute of Continuing and TESOL Education, University of Queensland between 2018 and 2020.

Peter Robinson, Applications of Blockchain for Business, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, Engineering Introduction to Ethereum, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2018.

Peter Robinson, Introduction to Blockchain and Ethereum, internal training at RSA, 2016.


Peter Robinson, Filecoin Secondary Retrieval: Architectural Vision, Filecoin Retrieval Seminar Series,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, Filecoin Retrieval: What is in PoC1, Filecoin Retrieval Seminar Series,, 2021.

Peter Robinson, Filecoin Secondary Retrieval Market system’s PoC1 release, Filecoin Retrieval Seminar Series,, 2021.


Peter Robinson, Security Domain Separation for Cryptographic Keys and Data, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, Dual Use Keys: Why NOT to use the same key for signing and encryption, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2022.

Peter Robinson, BLS Threshold Signatures, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2019.

Peter Robinson, Decentralized Random Number Generation, Ethereum Engineering Group Meet-up,, 2018.

Peter Robinson, Cryptography Guild Training Course, internal training at ConsenSys, 2017 and 2018:

  • Introduction to Security
  • Cryptographic Terminology
  • Cryptographic Algorithms Basics
  • Cryptographic Algoirthms: Schnorr Signatures
  • Cryptographic Algorithms: Complex
  • Crypto System Design

Peter Robinson, Applying Cryptography as a Service to Mobile Applications, presented at RSA Conference 2014 in San Francisco, CA, USA, 2014.

Peter Robinson, Cryptography as a Service, presented at RSA Conference Europe 2013 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2013.

Jaimee Brown and Peter Robinson, PKI Reborn in the Cloud, presented at RSA Conference Europe 2011 in London, UK, 2011.

Kathy Kriese and Peter Robinson, Learning to Speak Crypto Tutorial, presented at RSA Conference 2007 in San Francisco, CA, USA, and at RSA Conference Europe 2007 in London, UK, and at RSA Conference 2008 in San Francisco, CA, USA.

Graphical Password Design

Peter Robinson, Secure Graphical Passwords, presented at RSA Conference 2015 in San Francisco, CA, USA, 2015.

Transport Layer Security

Peter Robinson and Sean Parkinson, TLS Renegotiation Vulnerability, presented at RSA Conference 2011 in San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.

Peter Robinson, Developing TLS Applications with Suite B Cipher Suites, presented at RSA Conference 2009 in San Francisco, CA, USA, and presented at RSA Conference Europe 2008 in London, UK.

Java Security

Peter Robinson, Preventing Java ByteCode Reverse Engineering, presented at RSA Conference 2006 in San Jose, CA, USA, 2006.

Management and Process

Peter Robinson, PegaSys Recruitment Process, presented at ConsenSys Retreat, 2018.

Peter Robinson, Recruiting The A Team, presented at CTO Summit in Sydney.

Kanchan Kaur and Peter Robinson, Planned versus Agile for Software Development, presented at PMOz / ISSEC 2011, Sydney, NSW, Australia.

Peter Robinson, Planned vs. Agile for Security Software Development, facilitated open discussion at RSA Conference 2011 in San Francisco, CA, USA, 2011.

Peter Robinson, Project Estimating, RSA internal training, 2011.